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About Matt Bentley

Part data scientist and part growth marketer, Matt Bentley has spent 20 years growing internet startup companies in 5 different countries as a Founder, CEO, CMO, and SEO consultant. He is the Founder and Chief Scientist of SEO and content marketing software, and intelligent marketing assistant Connect with Matt on Twitter or LinkedIn to chat startups, rock climbing, or how best to balance managing a startup company with being a new dad.

Data-Driven SEO Part 1: Can You Trust Correlation Studies on Search Ranking Factors?

2020-11-25T10:50:11-08:00By |Categories: Research, SEO Knowledge|

Search ranking factor correlation studies are bullshit. In the past year, nearly every major SEO media outlet has published its own variation of a search ranking factor correlation study. They scrape huge numbers of search engine ranking results and calculate the correlation between Google rank and various SEO metrics such as the number of links, [...]

SEO for Startups – 5 Ways to Use Brains Over Budget

2020-11-25T10:50:13-08:00By |Categories: SEO Knowledge|

SEO can be challenging for startups. Search engine results heavily favor big brand websites with thousands of links, a recognizable brand name, and virtually unlimited budgets for fresh content. Faced with daunting odds and tepid initial results, many startups quickly give up on SEO as a viable marketing channel. That’s a huge mistake.

Study: Does Google have a political bias?

2020-11-25T10:50:15-08:00By |Categories: Research|

Although internet search engines like Google play an increasingly prominent role shaping voter opinions and perception of issues and candidates, their ranking algorithms aren’t designed to provide a fairly balanced or completely honest representation of controversial issues. In order to assess how fairly search engine results portray political candidates and controversial issues, we collected over [...]

Expired Domain Auctions: Now More Risky as Google Poisons the Well

2020-11-25T10:50:21-08:00By |Categories: Google changes|

In medieval times desperate defending armies would sometimes dump diseased corpses into wells as they retreated. Rank with bubonic plague or tuberculosis, the well water became undrinkable, crippling the advancing army by depriving them of safe water sources. Never mind that this kind of scorched earth tactic also hurt the defenders' own countrymen, depriving entire villages of their sole source of clean [...]

How Fieldwire Scaled Marketing Without Losing Their Focus on Product

2020-11-25T10:50:21-08:00By |Categories: Case Studies, Syndication|

In this SEO case study, CanIRank looks at Fieldwire, a web and mobile collaboration platform for the commercial construction industry. Founded by two engineers from Stanford and MIT, Fieldwire’s strong focus on product and engineering quickly earned them a devoted customer base. However, with the global construction industry worth some $8.5 trillion and 9 out of [...]

How Much is a #1 Ranking Worth to Your Business?

2020-11-25T10:50:34-08:00By |Categories: Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Estimating the Traffic Value of a potential target keyword is a critical step in a comprehensive keyword research process. If you know how much value a top ranking will bring to your business, you can better determine how much time and money it would be worth investing in SEO. You can even calculate the ROI [...]

All-new CanIRank adds a free SEO audit, social recommendations, “done for you” services and more!

2020-11-25T10:50:37-08:00By |Categories: CanIRank news, Syndication|Tags: , , , |

In the past year CanIRank has grown to become one of the SEO industry’s most respected keyword research and competitive analysis tools. We’ve analyzed over a quarter of a million websites, crunching 50,000,000+ raw data points from 11 different sources down into 25,000 Action Recommendations and 3.5 million Keyword Ideas. That’s turning data into action! [...]

Optimizing SEO ROI: A Not-So-Simple Formula to Uncover High-Value, Low-Difficulty Keywords

2020-11-25T10:50:41-08:00By |Categories: Grow Your Content, SEO Knowledge|

Today we launched a new feature that I've been wanting to see in SEO software for nearly 10 years. You probably already know that CanIRank offers an extremely accurate keyword difficulty tool, and we provide you with an estimate of a keyword's value in the form of search volume, advertiser cost per click, and how [...]

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